an art edition with 250 crypto multiples

Over the past 150 years, visual arts has liberated itself from ecclesiastical tutelage, secular censorship, representation, symbolism and ultimately material. From the middle of the 19th century to the present day, the struggle for autonomy has been at the forefront of the evolution of art. Art gained autonomy in most areas - with one exception: its own market. More than ever before, art has become a substitute currency and status symbol, a pawn in the hands of global economy: We are in the age of the fundamental economization of the artwork. The logical consequence is the Value Manifesto.

The Value Manifesto is the first crypto multiple in the history of art. It declares its own value to be art. The symbolic bearer of the manifesto is a manufactured display with state-of-the-art nixie tubes and IoT technology. Those machines’ only purpose is to display the currently highest real-time value of the crypto edition in Swiss Francs.

Value Manifesto is limited to an amount of 250 crypto editions worldwide. All editions adopt the value of the current highest bid. An edition's real-time value is communicated via the decryptor display unit and/or the online platform.

To guarantee safe transactions, every operation is communicated and protocolled in a blockchain within the closed crypto network of all 250 units: a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography. We use the ERC 721 NFT standard like other art projects such as CryptoKitties, CryptoPunks or Beeple.
View the Value Manifesto Ethereum contract:

Easy check-out and purchase: Sellers are receiving the displayed real-time amount paid out immediately after the transaction in full on their linked bank account. New users can register easely via the plattform and start bidding after a successfull accreditation.
There are 250 editions
How to get one of them?

Register on our platform and pay a small deposit. Why a deposit? We need to avoid fraud bidding and protect our users. No worries, you will get it back!

You can sell your edition anytime for the displayed real-time price.

1 Value Manifesto token (of 250)
1 Signed certificate (of 250)
1 Decryptor display (of 250)

After payment, we will collect the token and the display and forward it to you after a technical check-up via courier.

Enter an offer in Swiss Francs. If a Value Manifesto owner is willling to sell his edition for the offered amount, he can take your offer.

If you placed a successful bid which is accepted by an edition owner, an automated invoice will be send to you.
We will reserve/block the Value Manifesto token for you.
Little DictIonary
Cryptography or cryptology (from Greek κρυπτός kryptós, "hidden, secret"; and γράφειν graphein, "writing", or -λογία -logia, "study", respectively) is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties called adversaries.
Multiple refers to a series of identical artworks, usually a signed limited edition made specifically for selling. Multiples are united by their lack of uniqueness, usually regarded as a prerequisite in a work of art. The challenge to the artist is in finding ways of realizing an idea that can be repeated time and again. Thus part of the creative challenge comes in researching new methods and sourcing new materials, leading to some unlikely collaborations between artist and fabricators.
An art manifesto is a public declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of an artist or artistic movement. Manifestos are a standard feature of the various movements in the modernist avant-garde and sometimes in their rhetoric intended for shock value, to achieve a revolutionary effect.
Behind value Manifesto

Timo Niemeyer (*1983 in Finland) developed the artistic concept of the Value Manifesto since 2015. Timo is art historian with a focus on the art market of the different European Avant-Gardes and art market advisor.
He worked at leading European galleries, managed a London based private art collection and accompanied the online art platform Artusiast as CEO to an exit to Artnet in 2017. Timo studied Art History, Social Anthropology and Law at the University of Zurich.
Matthias Frank (*1983 in Germany) developed the technical concept of the Value Manifesto. Matthias has a PhD in mechanical engineering. He worked with start-ups and corporates in the area of innovation and digitalization.
Dalibor Farny (*1984 in Czechoslovakia) has a small, but highly motivated team based in Czech Republic. After 6 years of work, they succeeded to bring nixie tubes back from extinction and are now the only manufacturers in the world. Value Manifesto uses his R|Z568M tubes. The name relates to one of the original nixie tubes made back in 60’s – a Z568M. The R in its name means resurrection.
Matthias Gall (*1979 in Germany), Natallia Martchouk (*1974 in Belarus) and Thijs Reus (*1980 in The Netherlands) are 3 co-founders and managing directors of trimplement GmbH, who provide the Value Manifesto auction system with Ethereum blockchain integration. They met at ClickandBuy, where they worked together as software architects, and then decided to start their own business in 2010. With their long experience in developing online payment systems, trimplement provides software development, consulting and products in the fintech area. One of the products is a whitelabel cryptocurrency trading platform, based on their main enterprise product CoreWallet. They are passionate about multi-disciplinary applications of blockchain technology.
Value Manifesto GmbH
Erlenstrasse 47
CH-4058 Basel